
Showing posts from April, 2020

Strategies for Destress - For Secondary 3

Contributed by TOH LIN SIN, LIM TING FANG, ANNIE KOH-TAN PEI XUAN Current Situation: De-stressing strategies in the past are usually taught by form teachers during CCT or CCE before major examinations. The lesson has been designed and planned by the student development. Improvement: This year, with the year head's inputs, the PE department has taken this lesson up as part of working with the students on mental health. This is done during an assembly slot. As the secondary 3s have been attending health and fitness lessons as part of their secondary 3 curriculum, the students are in tune with certain contents of mental health. The secondary 3 PE teachers selected parts of the mental health curriculum and added in the use of High Intensity Interval Training to allow the students to use physical activities as a brain break and means to maintain their fitness as well as to refocus during the intensive period of revision. The reinforcement of deep breathing and progressive muscle ...

Lockers for better security

Contributed by LIM MEI HONG Current Situation: Many lockers are left empty around the school. Students having activities leave their belongings unattended as they cannot carry their belongings with them for the activity. Improvement: Fix a latch to the current empty lockers so that any student can bring a personal number lock and use any empty locker near their activity to temporarily lock up their belongings. This will prevent loss of personal valuables.

Presents for NYGH friends

Contributed by SAW PEI LIN, TAN YIN PHENG CHERYL, ZHANG BO Current Situation: There are many visits from organisations and schools every year. The gifts that they brought sometimes are piled up at GO or thrown away. Improvement: Cheryl had suggested to give it to staff and teachers who appreciate the gifts. Hence, Zhang Bo has placed a table outside of the CL department for the gifts. While Peilin created a 'Presents for NYGH friends' poster for anyone to collect the gifts if they like, so all gifts will not be wasted.

One platform for forms

Contributed by LEE MEI LING SHARON Current Situation: The forms that the form or subject teacher may sometimes need to access are in the M drive (non-compliance form. confiscation of belongings, notes of meeting with parents template) or elsewhere (eg school CCA consent form template, counselling referral form). Improvement: Can we put all these forms as appendices (including the SOP for use) together with the staff handbook? Reason: every teacher is either a FT or CCA teacher or a subject teacher and these forms are often used. Have a one-stop platform for all these.

Morning Assembly Slot Booking & Announcement

Contributed by LIM MEI HONG Current Situation: Staff book a slot for morning assembly if they have an item to present in 1 doc and then they go to the announcement page in another doc to put in the required announcement for their item. Improvement: For morning assembly slot bookings, the announcement will be put in the same doc. The teacher ICs have to check both doc in the current arrangement so the suggested change will have no impact on them.

Guest Stay: Check-in form revamp

Contributed by TANG YAJING, YEO LAY PENG Current Situation: revise previous quotation form for guest booking and check-in form to facilitate check-in procedure. Improvement: 1) easier to use for quotation calculation 2) clearer for accounts department to countercheck 3) convenient for staff to use for check-in

Reference Steps: How to CPR / AED / Resuscitation mask

Contributed by SERENE SNG MIN TZE, TANG YAJING, GAN LAY HIONG Current Situation: AED Box (in Dining Hall) does not come with any printed instruction poster (unlike those @ eg. MRT STATIONS) Improvement: After attending Refresher Course, we know we sometimes just need a trigger to remember the steps. A manual may help for the most critical First Aid steps: 1) CPR 2) How to use Resuscitation mask with CPR 3) AED An acrylic pocket slot was stuck above the AED box, which now holds our own designed manual. Steps taken from what we've learnt from the First Aid classes. We hope we never have to use it. But if we do, hope it helps in a big way.

Recyclable Cloth Ice Pack

Contributed by SERENE SNG MIN TZE, TAN PUAY SANG, GOH SOCK HUANG LYDIA Current Situation: Due to hygiene (and many lost ice packs), boarding school used clear plastic bags to contain ice for students who require ice packs. Good ice packs are expensive Plastic bags are unenvironmental. Improvement: After attending first aid course in Sept 2019, we discovered that it is important to have a piece of cloth to protect the skin from the cold of the ice. Teachers Day Gift this year was a small cotton pouch which was a the perfect size for ice packs. Staff volunteered their pouches for students' use. It is now our official ice pack pouch which staff ask students to wash and return, and staff do another wash before next usage. Students respect that they have to return this item, unlike a standard ice pack.

Wardrobe laminate

Contributed by SERENE SNG MIN TZE, GAN LAY HIONG Current Situation: Boarding room wardrobes are old but costly to replace. Still usable but some obvious stains make the wardrobe look unsanitary. Improvement: Team (pls include Kenny Gan Beng Kian) decided the most obvious dirt and stains collect on the surface panel of the wardrobe (you can see if once you open the wardrobe door) which occupants place their belongings on. A verbal quote was sought from carpenter to replace the top laminate (ie. $40 per piece x 500wardrobes – estimate $20,000). The cost was too high for just a cosmetic change. The team explored options. Discovered a wood-pattern wallpaper sticker which we can DIY onto the surface. The team used our own manpower whenever the rooms are vacant to slowly do this. The cost of the wallpaper is 1k.                                                ...

Most Caring Hostel (Poster - Symbolic Values Reminder)

Contributed by SERENE SNG MIN TZE, YEO LAY PENG Current Situation: Our Boarding School continues to have the mindset of a Caring Champion Hostel daily. NYGBS was again awarded MOE Most Caring Hostel 2019. Improvement:  Marriott Hotel shared that they carry a symbolic Marriott Values card with them daily as part of their uniform. NYGBS has a poster since Year 2012, which has been placed strategically at every Boarding School Residential Entrance Door (Caring and Champion Hostel) which reminds us of what we expect of ourselves and those who reside here with us. We are a community that must strive to uphold high standards of care and conduciveness for those who stay with us.

Protecting Sec 1 data on Registration Day

Contributed by LIM MEI HONG Current Situation: List of Sec 1 students posted into the school is put up on the noticeboard on Registration Day to inform them of their registration counter number. Parents take photo of the lists leading to comparisons of numbers from different primary schools etc. Improvement: Allocate students to registration counters by naming only the primary school. Group the primary schools such that the number of students for each counter is about the same.

Time Allocated to Return of Scripts

Contributed by HUI CAREN Current Situation: The students are instructed to check their SA2/WA4 marks on the portal on a stipulated date by a stipulated time. As such, the teachers will need time to return the scripts on the same day. (The teachers will not want to return earlier in case there is a mark change and they need the scripts to verify). For this year, there is no time allocated to the return of scripts. When teachers went to the classes to return the scripts, the students were not in class as the post-exam programmes were packed back-to-back. The return of scripts is an important process to ensure all students get their scripts and the scripts of absentees accounted for. Improvement: To put in 30 min after morning assembly for subject teachers to go to classes to return to scripts when all the students are around.

S3 Art & Music Sabbatical

Contributed by CHOO JING SARAH, TAN MEEI YEE MAE PAULINE, THEODORA HUANG XINYI Current Situation: NYGH students are currently not taking any Aesthetics subject at upper secondary level. Hence, during secondary 3 & 4, students have given feedback to request for time to take on Art, Food Studies and Music modules. Due to time and schedule limitations, the aesthetics department is still unable to offer any aesthetics programme at upper secondary level. Improvement: A series of 3 workshops organised by the Aesthetics department, was offered school wide, specifically targeting upper sec students. This sabbatical was planned in conjunction with the arts month at NYGH. ART: 1. ‘My Little Monster' is a hands-on workshop run by Secondary 3 AEP students for lower sec NYGH students. From mechanical monsters to wire mesh monsters, participants will create their own little monsters. Every monster created in this workshop will be unique to its maker. At the end of the workshop, each p...

Combined concert attendance for Music CCA students

Contributed by THEODORA HUANG XINYI Current Situation: Students attend concerts on an adhoc basis, based on interest - usually with their own CCA mates. Improvement: Consolidated booking of tickets for contemporary classical concert of relevance to all Music CCA students - London Sinfonietta (6 November at Esplanade); special school rate for booking of more than 20 tickets as a school; proposed combined pre-concert session in school to promote interaction between CCAs and to introduce contemporary classical music. 53 students across all five Music CCAs will be attending this concert together.

Customised student music exam report using data visualisation and analytics

Contributed by THEODORA HUANG XINYI Current Situation: Students interpret their own exam results, and may not be able to identify specific areas for improvement. Improvement: The proposed one-page visualisation and analytics (including radar diagrams) of exam data will provide holistic feedback on musical progress to each student. Presented in the form or charts and diagrams, this report is a custom analysis of each student’s performance in the written and performance exams to provide feedback on their level of achievement across various musical skills (i.e. aural perception, analysis, understanding of context, performance, etc.). Exam item analysis data is entered into a programmed spreadsheet which auto-generates the reports for each candidate.

Customisation of Sec 2 Arts Assembly based on Sec 2 Music Curriculum

Contributed by THEODORA HUANG XINYI, TAN MEEI YEE MAE PAULINE Current Situation: Less integration of Music curriculum in Arts Assembly programmes. Improvement: A professional beatboxer was invited to present at the 2019 Sec 2 Arts Assembly programme, near the end of the Sec 2 A Cappella module. Arrangements were made for the beatboxer to perform with selected student groups. Students experienced their vocal arrangements in a new context with the added dimension of beatboxing. Through this, students built confidence in performance and presenting themselves on stage.

Sec 1-4 HMP Combined Activity

Contributed by TAN MEEI YEE MAE PAULINE, THEODORA HUANG XINYI, LIM WEE CHIN, MATTHEW Current Situation: It has been many years since there was an inter-level HMP activity. Improvement: To organize an inter-level HMP activity designed as a time for the HMP students to connect with each other to discover new musical experiences with like-minded peers and to have fun as a HMP community. This activity is conducted at The Esplanade vicinity and students will be in group across the level, collecting sound samples during their journey which they would later used to create and present an original composition as a group.

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Sec 1 Music Lesson

Contributed by THEODORA HUANG XINYI, TAN MEEI YEE MAE PAULINE Current Situation: Music teachers were not available to conduct some Sec 1 Music lessons in Term 3 Improvement: Instead of disrupting lessons due to teachers absence, students continued lessons on their own facilitated by the use of technology. The lesson was designed as an extension to the concepts explored in the unit, in which students were given instructional materials as well as a task to complete as a group. The teacher could then follow up with the class in subsequent lessons based on the students' submission in the online form. (See online lesson at

Use of Ipad as digital clock for exam period

Contributed by CHEW MUI FONG Current Situation: During exam, the invigilators and students will refer to the class clock to start and end the exam. It may not be that accurate due to: - parallax error if the students are to view from the side - the timing may be inconsistent as the battery is drained - clock face is too small when view from the back of classroom. Improvement: Use ipad as the digital clock (I chose website) and airplay to the whiteboard. The timing is clear and accurate for both teachers and students to refer to.

Exam answer booklets for SIP classes

Contributed by SAM CHOON JUEN Current Situation: SIP classes used the NY foolscap paper for the internal school exam. And they used a string to tie the scripts together. Improvement: In line with changes at the O-level exam where there are 12-page answer booklet and 4-page additional answer booklet, we also created similar answer booklets for the internal school exam. This will help the girls to become familiar with the booklets before they sit for the actual O-level exam.

O-level exam registration of 3rd lang students

Contributed by SAM CHOON JUEN Current Situation: There are incidents of students who dropped 3rd lang after they have registered for O-level exam. There are also incidents of students who didn't check their exam registration slip carefully. All these incidents give rise to some inaccurate registration of 3rd lang for O-level exam. Improvement: This year, we set up the system of checks among exam registration and with Hanim, HOD/3rd lang. To ensure accurate registration of the 3rd lang subjects for the O-level exam.

DSA Shortlisting Criteria and Interview

Contributed by SAM CHOON JUEN, TEE AI LEE, DELINE VICTORIA LEW HUEY LAN Current Situation: The cut-off overall results for P5 and P6 were at about 85% previously. Selection tests and interview sessions took place in the afternoons during the weekdays. Improvement: In 2019, the cut-off is lowered to 80%. More P6 girls were given the opportunity to come for selection tests on a Sat. After the selection tests, the interviews took place on another Sat, rather than spread out over a few afternoons.

Briefing for teachers posted out for O-level invigilation

Contributed by SAM CHOON JUEN, LIU SHIUEH LING, NG CHUEN-YIN Current Situation: We have been relying on the CPEs to brief the teachers who are posted out for O-level invigilation. There has been reported cases of misconduct during the O-level invigilation. Improvement: This year, all teachers posted out for the year end O-level invigilation was thoroughly briefed by Sam on the roles and responsibilities so that they can comply to the guidelines.

Automating projection of marks for VR during EOY exam

Contributed by SAM CHOON JUEN, DAMIEN YAM KWOK HENG, TEE AI LEE Current Situation: In 2018, projection of marks for the VR during the EOY exam was done manually. Improvement: In 2019, we worked with the vendor and automated this process, saving man-hours.

Names of NYGH Portal

Contributed by SAM CHOON JUEN, LIM WAN CHENG, CHEW MUI FONG Current Situation: The results portal has been known within the school as Results Portal. However, it is known as Student Information Portal on the school website. And on the Intranet, it is known as New Student Results Portal. Improvement: To have a uniform name for this Results Portal. It has been called The NYGH Portal.

Batch update of student attendance during Home Learning days and EOY exam

Contributed by SAM CHOON JUEN Current Situation: I believe students' attendance was batch updated during home learning days in the past year. But this year, it was not the case for the first home learning day. All the FTs have to update students' attendance, 1 student at a time. Gek Hoon wrote to Dr Liu to ask for ICT support to do batch update which was done. Improvement: I also requested for ICT to do batch update for students' attendance for some of the exam days when the candidature size is very small. This will ease the FTs of marking the attendance when most if not all students are not in school for the exam e.g. AEP, HMP, etc.

Secondary 1 Life Skills Camp

Contributed by SABRINA BTE EMIL, TEO LI YEN LYDIA, YEO PECK HONG Current Situation: The orientation programme for the Secondary 1 students did not provide ample opportunities for transition and discovering more about the new classmates and the school. Improvement: Having a campfire session that allowed for the Sec 1 classes to come together to work on a performance for the campfire gave them another opportunity to learn more about the class and each other.

NY Star Certificate Designs

Contributed by SABRINA BTE EMIL, LIM MEI HONG Current Situation: The current certificate design has been used since 2015 thus multiple winners of the award will all have the same certificate. Improvement: The idea includes designing 4 different designs for each year so that it becomes a collectible set, in the event that the student is deserving of the award in her 4 years with us.

Creating CCA Clusters

Contributed by TEO CHIN IT, TAN BOON HIAN, ONG BENG KOOI JAMES Current Situation: Currently all CCAs work in silo and there is hardly any collaboration between CCAs. This created an imbalance in the workload for teachers in different CCAs and also limit the learning of the students. Improvement: CCA is a very rich platform for students to discover their interests and talents while developing values and competencies that will prepare them for a rapidly changing world. CCA also promotes friendship among students from diverse backgrounds as they learn, play and grow together. While most of the students have benefited from their time in 1 CCA, we always felt that students can reap more benefits if they are given the opportunities to experience and collaborate with other CCAs. As such, the conceptualization of creating clusters of CCAs is guided by the following objectives: • To provide opportunities for collaborative and cross-disciplinary learning for both staff and students • ...

Review of NYGH CCA Award

Contributed by TEO CHIN IT, THEODORA HUANG XINYI, POON KAH YOKE CLARA Current Situation: In the past, we have 13 different categories of CCA Awards (including Wee Bee Hoon Sec 1 to 4 Scholarships, Colours Award, Team, Group, Merit Awards etc). Many of these awards are duplicates of the awards that our students have received at different platforms. (e.g. SSSC gives out SSSC Colours Award and we also gives out NYGH Colours Award to the same group of students). Improvement: After reviewing and getting inputs from different stakeholders, the CCA team has decided to remove 6 categories of awards and streamlined the whole process. From this year onwards, CCA Awards will only include the Wee Bee Hoon Scholarship for Sec 1 to 4, CCA Girls, Leadership Award and Service Award. This will allow us to recognise the additional contributions from the students and also minimise the printing of certificates and time spent in giving out the awards during the level closure.


Contributed by TEO CHIN IT, SEOW PEI SHAN, THEODORA HUANG XINYI Current Situation: In the past the teachers will record CCA attendance using their own system and the information is only given to Priscillia to key into the cockpit at the end of each term. Also, any LOA issued by the CCA teachers will not be reflected in the overall Attendance Portal and it is hard to track the students' whereabout at times. This created a lot of duplicate work and possible miscommunication along the way between different parties. Improvement: This year we have rolled out the NYGH CCA Portal where all CCA teachers will update the students attendance directly to the Portal and the information in there can be uploaded into the school cockpit quickly. As the CCA portal is linked to the overall attendance portal that is used by the FTs, it is also easier for CCA teachers to know the reason why the student is missing. The attendance of the students will also be updated accordingly if the CCA teachers...

Sec 1 CCA Allocation

Contributed by TEO CHIN IT, CHEW MUI FONG, THEODORA HUANG XINYI Current Situation: In the past we will release the audition results to all the Sec 1 before they submit their CCA option forms and this created a lot of anxiety and negative feelings among those who are not ranked in the CCAs that they are interested. Also, once the list is out, respective CCAs are committed to only taking in a fixed number of sec 1 students based on their shortlisted list. As such, there is no flexibility in addressing the interests of the students. Improvement: This year, we did not release the audition results to Sec 1 and encouraged them to select their CCA based on interests. The overall percentage of students getting their top 3 choices is 91%, comparable to past years. At the same time, we have also managed to reduce the anxiety level among the Sec 1 students (based on feedback received from Sec 1 PTM). This year, we have also gotten the CCA teachers to provide a range of sec 1 students t...

Appraisal form

Contributed by SAW PEI LIN Current Situation: Filling in appraisal form in Words Doc has been a challenge with the layout format when the text overflow. Besides that, user can accidentally edit the form questions which is not able to lock in Words Doc. Improvement: I created PDF form for all divisions appraisal form so that it is easier for user and RO to just fill in on the indicated text field on screen or iPad. Besides that, it will be easier to just insert extra pages for sections that need longer text field.

Changing of Physics exam schedule for exams

Contributed by ALEX TEO CHIENG CHUA Current Situation: Physics papers are always scheduled behind the aesthetics papers towards the tail end of exams period, but it is not economical in terms of time and marking capacity. HMP students are much lesser in numbers. Improvement: Physics papers should be scheduled ahead of aesthetics papers. The welfare, morale and emotional state of science teachers will be greatly enhanced, making the workplace a more positive working environment.

Answer Booklets

Contributed by MUHAMMAD IMRAN BIN HASSAN Current Situation: For many exams, students are given loose sheets of writing paper. This is 1. not secure as writing paper is not specifically for exams 2. uses up precious time for setters, exam team and invigilators to count the correct number to be given to each candidate 3. increases probability of accounting errors e.g. missing writing paper, loose thread, etc 4. compels students to ask for more writing paper, which wastes their own time. Improvement: Provide standard exam booklets which can be used for all subjects (except perhaps HCL). Students write subject, paper and personal particulars on the front page only. Pages inside should already be lined. Departments could be consulted on how many pages their subjects ordinarily need. The highest number would then be the number of pages for a booklet. There should be a punched hole at the top left corner of the booklet already, to allow for attaching of inserts. Should students need...

2019 Secondary 4 Career Conference

Contributed by WONG WAN LING, LI XIAOHUI, KAREN KANG HONG LIN Current Situation: The annual career conference for the Secondary 4 students is a platform for the students to find out more about the different professions and to speak to the professionals so that they can make more informed choices for their future. Speakers are invited by the school/students to share about their professions and to address students' queries. Improvement: This year, we included a career fair segment to the event, and we had presenters from NUS Forensic Science, The Singapore Army, Republic of Singapore Airforce, The Singapore Navy, NTU-NIE and Ngee Ann Polytechnic set up booths to share about their organisations and their professions. The career fair setup provided opportunity for a longer interaction time (2 hours). Students had a chance to try out the tools used by forensic scientists at the NUS booth, and to also engage in conversations with the presenters at the other booths.

Singapore Art Week Excursion

Contributed by CHOO JING SARAH, CHANG MICHAEL HSIN-JU, TONG SOI MUI Current Situation: Over the past few years, the Art Unit has been bringing the AEP cohort to Art Stage Singapore for the AEP excursion during Singapore Art Week as part of extra curriculum activities. Improvement: From AY2019, the art unit is proposing to bring AEP students to South East Asia Focus held at Gillman Barracks instead. The inaugural platform will is an intimate showcase that features over 30 galleries in a specially designed pop-up structure. Together with galleries, this home-grown initiative provides students with an insight into Southeast Asian and Asian art, and allows for opportunities to connect with artists, curators, gallerists and potential collectors.

Art Unit Internship Programme.

Contributed by CHOO JING SARAH, TONG SOI MUI, CHANG MICHAEL HSIN-JU Current Situation: Every Year, the Art Unit spends a considerable amount of energy and resources, both staff and financial, to rotate and curate the art exhibition(s) within the Art Gallery. Improvement: Across the recent years, the art unit have also been receiving requests from NYGH AEP alumni to return to NYGH and to contribute to the school. This is both through their practice/artmaking (Eg. Project Dengzi, Ny100 artsperience, etc.) or through other platforms such as giving artist talks. This year, there were 2 NYGH AEP graduates who approached the art teachers for opportunities to learn and to give back to NYGH. They were engaged as interns for the Art Unit and have been involved in a Curatorial Project for NYGH Open House.The Art Unit Internship Programme is a direction which the Art Unit is keen to explore within the next 5 years.

Radar Plotting Visual Rubrics (AEP Portfolio)

Contributed by CHOO JING SARAH, TONG SOI MUI, CHANG MICHAEL HSIN-JU Current Situation: In 2016, Nanyang Art Elective Programme started implementing a compulsory sketchbook component into our art curriculum and integrating the Study of Visual Arts with Studio Practice. There is a shift in the function of a sketchbook with the need to incorporate analytical writing to portray student’s understanding and insights to various art theories and history. Previously, teachers are free to choose how they want the students to use the sketchbook in their own art rooms. But more frequently, the sketchbook serves as project preparation filled with brainstorming and research sketches and technical drawings. However, after much review, the art team would like the sketchbooks to be more educational and expressive in nature, so that students would have a personal attachment and take pride in their sketchbooks. We would like the sketchbook to be a fun reference book where students are able to see ...

Introduce long term relief teachers or NIE trainees

Contributed by LEE MEI LING SHARON Current Situation: I do see quite a few new faces this term. Not many colleagues (especially the colleagues from other departments) know who these new faces are (relief teacher, NIE trainees) Improvement: HR introduce these relief teachers (perhaps those staying more than a week) and NIE trainees to the staff via email (since some relief teachers report later in the morning). Besides introducing names, subjects, duration of attachment/relief teaching, it will also be good to attach pictures in the email. Build trust and collegial relationships among staff.

Reflect no. of hours in timetable for CCA Teachers

Contributed by CHEW MUI FONG. Current Situation: Currently, FTs have 1 hour reflected in their timetable to indicate the teaching load while CCA teachers don't have. Improvement: Indicate the number of hours in the timetable for CCA teachers too to reflect the more accurate teaching load, especially when the teachers have CCA duty during holidays while the sole FTs don't have. Remark: 3 hours per week will be reflected in the time-tables of each CCA Teacher and Form Teacher.

NYGH Sports & Performing Arts Block 应该在地面一层有明显的标志

Contributed by CAO JINGHUA Current Situation: NYGH Sports & Performing Arts Block 地面层没有牌子或明显的标志,整个建筑显得暗淡。另外,外校老师来南中开会不容易找到地点。 Improvement: 1、外校老师来开会、培训容易找到地点。 2、新的建筑也比较美观。

Toilet cleanliness

Contributed by KUNALAN GINA Current Situation: Very often, toilet are dirty with leftover excrement. There are no brushes in the toilet to allow for people to scrub away their excrement should it be unflushable. Improvement: Place a toilet brush in each cubicle to allow people to clean up after themselves so we can have cleaner toilets!

Facility booking in library

Contributed by CHAN YUET KUEN Current Situation: The teacher said the system allowed him to book the special room in the library till 6pm and librarian had to explain to the teacher that the library closed at 5.30pm. The system also allowed the teacher to book during the HCL oral exam held in the library's special rooms. Improvement: To avoid such a situation, set the system to allow booking of special rooms in the library based on library opening hours (term time: 7.30 am to 5.30pm, school holidays: 8.30am to 5.00pm) and disable the booking for library's special rooms during exam held in the library's special rooms.

Promoting staff morale and bonding

Contributed by ANG JOO LIAK Current Situation: When the Lead Care Inspire Awards are announced, only the award winners get to read what their nominators wrote to nominate them. Improvement: For the Lead Care Inspire Awards to truly recognise all the nominees, it would be nice to share with each nominee (privately via email): 1. who are their nominator(s) and 2. what their nominator(s) wrote to nominate them. This sharing would: 1. allow the nominee to know which colleague(s) took the effort to nominate them - this offers an opportunity for nominee to show appreciation of effort and 2. allow the nominee to know what positive qualities others appreciate of them - this improves greater self-awareness This would be a great source of positive affirmation and encouragement for all nominees on Teachers Day, a small step towards developing PosEd in the staff culture. Remark: Implemented.

School Spirit Cheer Team

Contributed by ANGELINE SEET SIEW PENG, KONG WENG HO BENJAMIN Current Situation: Only Student Councillors lead cheers and hype up the atmosphere at school events. There may be other students who have talent in this area but are not councillors. There is untapped potential to further increase the school spirit and atmosphere in events. Improvement: Identify and engage such enthusiastic students on an ad-hoc basis to lead/co-lead the cheers and so raise the level of student participation.

Wall Fans in the Hall (Back Stage)

Contributed by YAO LING YUN Current Situation: There is no fan backstage, and it gets very warm and humid for guests, staff and students when the air-conditioning is not switched on. Improvement: To install wall fans. In this way, air-conditioning will not be required for sessions shorter than 1 hour, reducing our carbon footprint and costs of running air-con for such a huge venue like the hall. Wall fans are also not very costly.

Google Form for excusing Supervised Self-Study students

Contributed by MUHAMMAD IMRAN BIN HASSAN Current Situation: To excuse students from Supervised Self-Study, teachers need to fill out scraps of paper detailing the students details, reason for excuse, date, time, etc. For any one day, this could result in teachers filling out multiple copies of the same form in writing. Furthermore, it's difficult to keep track of which excuse was given to who. Improvement: Set up a Google Form with similar fields. Form settings are that form filler's email address is recorded. The Form results are shared with all teachers to view, so teachers can check and verify. Remark: Implemented


Contributed by Yao Lingyun. Current Situation: We block out 4 weeks of lessons for SPICE (reduced from previous year). In addition, other Design thinking activities and showcase takes up more time. Time/venues/logistics poses constraints for the colleagues in charge to schedule every thing within the 4 weeks. For colleagues straddling levels, they have to juggle excursions and lesson planning/remedial etc. For students, by the time they learn about the topics in the first 2 weeks of SPICE, the runway is short for the project to be done, much less to go through rounds of testing and revision, which is one of the core principles of Design Thinking. For the Sec 2 teachers, community service days are very tiring as after teaching for the day, they have to rush off for Com-ED. Improvement: To have one day (every 2 weeks) time-tabled as SPICE day in Semester 1 instead of blocking out 4 weeks for the programme. a) In terms of number of teaching periods used, the same number of days are...

Intranet Portal

Contributed by Zhang Bo. Current Situation: The Intranet Portal homepage is built on a whole picture; even the words of each link are part of the background picture. This makes the update of the page more troublesome. (Every time we add a link, the whole background picture has to be edited.) Improvement: The Intranet Portal homepage should be HTML based webpage. This will make the updates much more convenient. Remark: Implemented

Casual Friday

Contributed by ANGELINE SEET SIEW PENG Current Situation: Students wear their school uniform every day of the week. Improvement: Have a casual Friday dress code where students can wear their CCA tee shirt (since Friday is a CCA day). This can add to the colourful and vibrant scene of school life and signals to the students it's the end of the work week and they can relax and look forward to the weekend. Staff can also dress down on Friday. Perhaps a smart casual dress code of jeans. The onus will be on staff to be discerning in their dressing and in no way undermines their professionalism in the classroom. Remark: This is implemented on Wed in 2020.