
Vouchers as birthday gifts for all staff

Contributed by Dilys Tan Puay Miow,  Junita Wong, Luis, Fan Kaideng, Yao Ling Yun What was the current need/gap that you were addressing? Presented the idea of giving vouchers to all staff for their birthdays instead of a physical gift. The existing model of giving physical gifts contribute to wastage & environmental unfriendliness, should gifts not be to staff's liking. Vouchers allow staff flexibility to buy whatever they require. Staff can also opt to donate vouchers to charity in the school's name which contribute to NYGH CSR efforts. How had it been experimented and enacted? Had a meeting with SWC chairman, SWC advisor & SH community Development to discuss the idea. SWC chairman brought the idea to Bursar. And she discussed with management team and was agreed and approved on 12/7/2023. It was implemented in 2024. What was the positive impact? 1) reduced wastage of gifts 2) flexibility for staff to buy what they need.

Growth Mindset through the Academic Curriculum

Contributed by  Goh Han Pin, Gerlynn Yap, Chris Slatter, Tan Boon Hian, Ngan Han Kiong What was the current need/gap that you were addressing? Students could not appreciate how the Growth Mindset is relevant to their academic studies as they struggle with difficult concepts and skills. How had it been experimented and enacted? Infuse reflective moments within the regular cohort-wide school science notes where students will apply metacognition to reflect on 1. which areas they are good at 2. which areas they need help 3. which areas they initially struggle but later figured out 4. their advice for peers in similar situations What was the positive impact? Students hone their Growth Mindset as they learn this challenging topic on the Ray Model of Light. Feedback from students obtained through cohort-wide survey. This curriculum innovation was presented at the AST High Ability Learners (HAL) Networked Learning Community (NLC) in Jul 2023, with positive comments from Master Teacher HAL, Lea


Contributed by CHEN HSUAN CHIEH, SAM CHOON JUEN, ALEX TEO What was the current need/gap that you were addressing? Before 2023, the internal advanced Chinese oral examinations for Secondary Three and Secondary Four were conducted over three afternoons, from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm. This approach posed several issues: Conducting exams over three afternoons disrupted afternoon classes. 1. Staffing arrangements were challenging, as a significant number of teachers were needed to serve as assistant oral examiners (AOE). The availability of AOE teachers did not always align with the designated oral examination times as they have other lessons in the afternoon, resulting in difficulties in staffing arrangements. 2. The time spent by AOE in performing their duties was considered part of the year-end exam invigilation time. Deducting their time during the scheduling of year-end exam invigilation not only made the timetable creation process tedious but also contributed to a shortage of invigilators f

Festival of Arts 2023

Contributed by Theodora Huang, Wang Mo, Nicole Ning, Tong Soi Mui, Michael Chang, Matthew Lim, Poh Yee, Pei Lin, Mae Ho, Chris Slatter, Pui Yee, Lee Fui, Kaideng, Shuhui, Hwee Yanne, Ju-Lin, Ronghua, Ni Qing, Nick, Jason Tan, Li Lin, Juliet, Pih Tai What was the current need/gap that you were addressing? With the standing down of safe management measures, full-capacity live performances and in-person arts experiences could resume. Festival of Arts 2023 was a platform not only to showcase CCA groups’ SYF Arts Presentation items with the school community, but also a means to add to the vibrancy of school life with immersive arts experiences by students for students. How had it been experimented and enacted? FOA has undergone several iterations, adapting to the changing contexts and planning parameters pre- and post-pandemic. The structure of Festival of Arts 2023 includes aspects of the event that have worked well in past editions, as well as some refreshed components that better support

Women’s Leadership Conference 2023

Contributed by Phua-Tan Gek Hoon, Gloria Teng, Alex Teo, Irene Lim What was the current need/gap that you were addressing? There is currently no Women’s Leadership Conference in Singapore organised by a Secondary School for youth. To address this need for youth to learn about women leadership, we organised The Women’s Leadership Conference. The first and second runs were in 2021 and 2022 and were held online. Due to technical issues, some participants with audio and video problems were not able to participate fully in the programme. How had it been experimented and enacted? We started work in March 2023. We had to work on the programme, guest speakers, theme, logo/e-certificates, publicity, manpower, logistics/venues/food, invitations to speakers and participants, case study content, team building games etc over the months. This culminated in the 1 day conference on 14 November. Facilitators helped to conduct the games and discussion sessions. What was the positive impact? The staff an

ABOM1s Leadership Trainings

Contributed by  Yeo Peck Hong, Nur'Hanim Bte Mohamed, Boon Peck Chi, Ni Qing, Norazlina Binte Abdul Jalil, Tang Ya Jing Juliet What was the current need/gap that you were addressing? Although the CCL Committee is able to activate ABOM1s in organizing CCL activities, there was a lack of structured allocation of ABOM1s into organizing teams to ensure that all ABOM1s were given equal opportunities to develop their leadership qualities through leading an organizing team or being a member of the organizing team. How had it been experimented and enacted? 1) Secondary 1-4 ABOM1s were asked to sign up for at least 2 out of the 9 CCL activities organized by the CCL Committee. The ABOM1s were informed of the nature & expected date of the activities, so that they were able to make informed choices. 2) I will look through the ABOM1s’ choices and allocate them into 2 organizing teams according to their choices. 3) Within the ABOM1s allocated to the organizing teams, 2 ABOM1s (usually Second

BSP Scholars Leadership Trainings

Contributed by  Yeo Peck Hong, Luo Ziwei What was the current need/gap that you were addressing? 1) The teachers-in-charge of the various Chinese cultural activities in the Chinese Department need to request for student leaders from the Student Leadership Boards to help in organizing the activities. 2) Sometimes, the Student Leadership Boards were not able to provide student leaders to help in organizing Chinese cultural activities for the Chinese Department. In such cases, the teachers-in-charge of the various Chinese cultural activities will need to look for student helpers on their own. 3) There wasn’t a structured framework in developing the leadership qualities in the BSP scholars. How had it been experimented and enacted? 1) Secondary 3 & 4 BSP scholars were asked to sign up for at least 2 out of the 9 Chinese cultural activities organized by the Chinese Department (农历新年嘉年华、母语双周、华文大比拼、中一文化营暨包粽子活动、小学双文化营、译彩纷呈、中秋节、青少年双语模拟联合国培训、全校双文化阅读计划). The scholars were informed of the natur