NYConnect Parents Newsletter

Department/Committee/Team: Relations and Heritage Committee Leader(s): Deline and Debi Member(s): Hwee Yanne 1. What was the current need/gap that you were addressing? Parents have always voiced their interest to know more about what their daughters are experiencing in school and how they can play a more critical role in their growth and development throughout their schooling years. For our SEM 1.3, parents are our partners in nurturing our girls’ well-being and learning, and we want to give parents a comprehensive one-stop repository of information. 2. How had it been experimented and enacted? The online newsletter, NYConnect, has emerged as a platform in fostering strong partnerships between the school and parents. Designed to be a one-stop repository of positive parenting resources, NYConnect has enhanced communication and supported NYGH parents in their journey to nurture their daughters. NYConnect is dedicated to equipping parents with tools and strategies to deepen ...