
Showing posts from March, 2019

PTM schedule

Contributed by LIM MEI HONG Present Situation: PTMs were held every Friday for the first few weeks of school. It was a hectic schedule and for Sec 2 it was too close to the PTM in October of the previous year when they were in Sec 1. Improvement: PTMs were scheduled with at least 2 weeks apart to allow for above with Sec 2 in Term 1 Week 10 as the parents would have come for a PTM in October the previous year.

Making temporary name tags more formal

Contributed by LIM MEI HONG, TAN KAH KEOW Present Situation: Students who lose their name tags order from the bookstore. Since the name tag vendor comes once a month, the wait for the student can be as long as 2 months. The current practice is for students to pay for a plastic tag from the General Office which covers the school logo, does not indicate level, written illegibly and is recycled by students using scraps of paper. It is cheaper than the official name tag and students can be permanently using the temporary name tags. Improvement: Students to purchase blank tags identical to their current level colour,. Year Heads to write in their names in upper case letters. The cost per tag is $1 from supplier. Students to be charged $1.50 per name tag compared to $2.50 for two from bookshop to discourage students from using it as a permanent name tag instead of getting from the bookshop.

Recess Arrangement on Days of Early Dismissal

Contributed by LIM LAM ENG Present Situation: We are having staff CNY lunch on 12 Feb where lessons will end at 12.30pm for staff lunch to begin at 1pm. If we leave recess as usual from 11.30am to 12.30pm, the canteen stallholders' business will be affected as students will want to leave at 11.30am. Most stalls will opt not to operate, which will be an inconvenience to many, including those who need to stay for CCA. Improvement: That the recess be moved earlier by an hour - to be held from 10.30am to 11.30am so that the canteen stallholders business will not be too badly affected and having all stalls open will be a convenience to all staff and students.

Animated Gif e-card

Contributed by SAW PEI LIN and LIM LAM ENG Present Situation: Every year, the e-cards that I designed are static Improvement: This year, with Mrs Chek's suggestion, I had created a animated gif e-card. It is more appealing than a static e-card.

Green on mineral bottles

Contributed by SAW PEI LIN Present Situations: Every year during open house, Melinda will make sure to order 2000 mineral bottles for open house goody bag. After that, we have concerns of visitors throwing half drank bottles and it had became a problem of not just wastage but a environmental unfriendly. Improvement: This year Open House, we had suggested not to give out anymore mineral bottles. Instead, Peilin will indicate the locations of water cooler in the location map on the programme card. Besides that, Peilin will also create a TV message to encourage visitors to cut on mineral bottles and drink from our water coolers.

Book Exchange Corner

Contributed by TAN SU-LING DELPHINE Improvement: Set up a book exchange corner in the school library so that students can leave books that they have read and pick up books that others have left behind.

IT Information in Student Handbook

Present Situation: The role of IT in school is completely absent from student handbook e.g. use of and access to Google calendar, Student results portal, progress reports, termly letter, what to do if IT assistance is required etc Improvement: To include above information in Student Handbook.

Lunch Pre-order for Support Staff

Contributed by TANG YAJING, SERENE SNG MIN TZE, GOH SOCK HUANG LYDIA Present Situation: Support Staff of school need to buy lunch outside school as school canteen is closed during school holidays. It is not convenient for them to walk a long way just to buy lunch and it could be costly sometimes. Improvement: Boarding school offers pre-order lunch at $2.5 per meal (normal BS lunch at $4) for support staff in Dec -save the trouble of going out to buy and cut down the expenses of lunch for support staff

Check-in Form

Contributed by YEO LAY PENG Present Situation: The staff will write or type on the form for the required info that meant to be shared by the staff. Improvement: The checkin and checkout time, date and staff handling the group are captured on the form. In addition, info on collection of room keys and cards and breakfast requirement outside office hour are also reflected on this form. It is fairly easy for the staff to check on the 'status' of the check-in and checkout group.

Deposit Confirmation Form

Contributed by YEO LAY PENG, SERENE SNG MIN TZE Present Situation: The deposit confirmation for the group is written on email. All info of group stay is located in email. Confirmation and cancellation policy is attached eparately to the email. Improvements: Deposit confirmation template captures the detail of the short term group booking stay. It also entails the confirmation and cancellation policy. The completed required info is all captured in one page of the document which could be easily referred if required.

Filing system of payment record

Contributed by CHERYL TEO SIEW CHERN Present Situation: Payment Record Form was filed in the date of payment. Retrieving payment record form (PRF) for a particular vendor is difficult to retrieve as one has to login to SAP to see which payment run was done and rely on Account payable colleague to retrieve. Improvements: Filing PRF by company name, sort by alphabetical order will enable accounts colleague to retrieve information easily and pulling out records for their funds reconciliation reporting. By sorting out all the instructor fees payment and file separately will ease audit check too. The new filing system will help the audit in terms of their vouching process and speed up the process. They no longer has to rely on accounts colleague to pull out the records for them. It also helps to prevent double payment when all payment to same vendor are being filed together, we can check the records easily.

SOP for Open Classrooms

Contributed by LUIS TIRTASANJAYA LIOE, LIM AI WAH Present Situation: In 2018, we started to build the culture of Open Classrooms, i.e. to have a teacher to send an open invitation to other teachers in school to observe his/her lesson. The intent is to promote sharing and discussion among teachers anchored in the students' learning and pedagogical practices. In 2018, we have started by getting the Key Personnels (HODs, SHs) and Senior Teachers to open up their classrooms. Throughout the year, there have been a number of Open Classroom invitation sent out to all staff. There are feedback from some teachers that the information that was mentioned in the invitation sometimes are too generic (e.g. by just mentioning the date, time and topic). We acknowledge that teachers' may have various need and naturally they would prefer to observe lesson that help in their own development. For example, if I need idea on how to use SLS to facilitate classroom discussion, I would want to visi...

Refining the slides projection for Graduation Ceremony

Contributed by LUIS TIRTASANJAYA LIOE, MARK OLIVER SHONE, SAW PEI LIN Present Situation: During the Graduation Ceremony in the past few years, there have been an issue of students' movement during the scroll presentation that block the projection on the stage. The close-up photo taking when the students receive the scroll will also have the background from the projection (display class photo) that makes the close-up photo is not so neat. Furthermore, as the two side screens in the hall have different resolution with the centre stage screen, often the dimension of the pictures changes that create undesired effect (e.g. showing class picture where people are stretched sideways) Improvements: We decided to use 2 projectors in running the slides. There are 2 versions of the slides created. One version for the centre stage, and the other version are for the side screen. During the scroll presentation, the centre stage will only show a black background with the class name...

Learning Needs Analysis

Contributed by LUIS TIRTASANJAYA LIOE, LIM AI WAH Present Situation: In the past, staff learning need analysis (LNA) were conducted by getting the staff to do a survey at the start of the year and let the PD team know which areas that they want to grow in that year. However we realised that there is still issue in matching the input with the real need. Furthermore, there may be a need to do it earlier as the staff will have the work review at the end of the previous year, and one of the components that they discussed with their ROs is about areas for learning and development. Improvement: We explored the idea of tapping on the work review session to give the PD team a preliminary ideas of the needs for learning for each staff so that it helps in the planning of the Total Learning Plan in the following year. We decided to come up with a template for every RO to record the staff's learning needs after the work review session is completed. In that way, the PD team can captu...

Standardising school attire

Contributed by LIM MEI HONG Present Situation: Apart from formal school uniform requirements and attire after CCA in Student Handbook, attire for special days always requires some checking with colleagues. Improvements: Specify informal school attire sets and to provide a list of annual school events and the expected attire for each of the events in the student handbook.


Contributed by GAN LAY HIONG, SERENE SNG MIN TZE Present Situation: 之前没有明确的说明,可能不明白怎么用。 (Previously there is no clear instructions. Staff and students may not know how to use.) Improvements: 现在加了这些图解,比之前更容易明白,使用较方便快速,不需要花太多的时间去阅读文字。 (With the illustration, it is easier for us to learn how to use fire extinguisher, without taking too long to read instructions.)