BSP Scholars Leadership Trainings

Contributed by Yeo Peck Hong, Luo Ziwei

What was the current need/gap that you were addressing?

1) The teachers-in-charge of the various Chinese cultural activities in the Chinese Department need to request for student leaders from the Student Leadership Boards to help in organizing the activities. 2) Sometimes, the Student Leadership Boards were not able to provide student leaders to help in organizing Chinese cultural activities for the Chinese Department. In such cases, the teachers-in-charge of the various Chinese cultural activities will need to look for student helpers on their own. 3) There wasn’t a structured framework in developing the leadership qualities in the BSP scholars.

How had it been experimented and enacted?

1) Secondary 3 & 4 BSP scholars were asked to sign up for at least 2 out of the 9 Chinese cultural activities organized by the Chinese Department (农历新年嘉年华、母语双周、华文大比拼、中一文化营暨包粽子活动、小学双文化营、译彩纷呈、中秋节、青少年双语模拟联合国培训、全校双文化阅读计划). The scholars were informed of the nature & expected date of the activities, so that they were able to make informed choices. 2) We will look through the scholars’ choices and allocate them into 2 organizing teams according to their choices. 3) Within the scholars allocated to the organizing teams, 2 scholars will be identified as the overall-in-charges. 4) The teachers-in-charge of the various Chinese cultural activities in the Chinese Department will kickstart the planning process by meeting up with the overall-in-charges to set the directions for the activities right of the start. 5) After the initial meeting, the overall-in-charges will draft the proposal for the Chinese cultural activities together with the organizing team members. 6) The teachers-in-charge will guide the overall-in-charges and the organizing team members throughout the entire journey, developing their leadership qualities in the process.

Which group(s) had benefited?

Students (Selected Groups)

What was the positive impact?

1) All Chinese cultural activities in the Chinese Department were well-organized and executed smoothly. 2) All BSP scholars were given the chance to organize school-wide activities that have benefitted the school population. 3) All BSP scholars were given the opportunity to develop their leadership qualities.

What is a future need that this IdEas@work could meet?

1) There will be a ready pool of scholars to organize Chinese cultural activities for the Chinese Department. 2) There will be a structured framework to develop the leadership qualities in the BSP scholars.
