Boarding School Experience Plus (BSE+)

Department/Committee/Team: BSE Taskforce

Leader(s): Theodora Huang
Member(s): Gloria Teng, Andrew Yap, James Ong

1.  What was the current need/gap that you were addressing?
To create a signature NYGH programme that builds on the resources of the school in championing community education and student leadership development, and leverages the facilities that the NYGH boarding school offers.

2.  How had it been experimented and enacted?
BSE+ is a pilot residential leadership programme that brought together 17 students from both NYGH and cluster schools (Unity Secondary School, Dunearn Secondary School) to live and learn together in the NY Boarding School over a 12-day period. Through a series of curated activities, students honed skills in independent living, leadership and service. Students also had the opportunity to attend lessons at each others’ schools and work with organisations such as CDAC, SINDA and Montfort Care to learn more about how they can contribute towards serving the community. The 12-day programme culminated in a series of closing presentations for participants to share their takeaways with key partners and stakeholders of the programme.

3.  Which group(s) had benefited?
Students (Selected Groups), Others

4.  What was the positive impact?
Overall sentiment towards the programme was positive. Participants appreciated the range of curated authentic learning experiences that allowed for meaningful exploration of social service sector and community work. Participants noted that it was an empowering experience of self-discovery and learning to live independently. The programme also promoted interaction and peer learning among students from different schools and backgrounds.

5.  What is a future need that this IdEas@work could meet?
A platform for students to develop as civic-minded stewards with global perspectives


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