Student Leadership @ Open House 2024

Department/Committee/Team: Relations & Heritage Committee and Student Leadership Committee
Leader(s): Deline Victoria Soh and Sarah Goh
Member(s): Olivia Chee, Tay Soo Eng, Saw Pei Lin, Phua Tan Gek Hoon

Initiated On: 3/11/2024
Completed On: 4/6/2024

1. What was the current need/gap that you were addressing?
There were a couple of people who commented that our Open House is very inviting and informative but the students are not as spontaneous. This is not a true reflection, so the Student Leaders took on the challenge of performing two Flash Mobs and indeed both were well received and added to the energy. Theur spontaneous displays of enthusiasm and unity captivated our guests' attention and also created an unforgettable atmosphere, showcasing the vibrant spirit of our school community. In addition, visitors who wanted to join the guided tour of the campus used to wait at the Audi foyer. To make their wait more enjoyable and to show our commitment to making every aspect of their experience special and welcoming, the Student Leadership Team, headed by Sarah Goh, initiated the use of Holding Rooms on the ground floor of the Classroom Block. Visitors liked that they could rest while waiting and they could imagine what a student's experience would be in a classroom here at Nanyang.

2. How had it been experimented and enacted?
We discussed hot weather and wet weather plans. We also had to decide on the spot that morning how to better manage the long queues. It was good that all turned out well and we can continue to grow and innovate.

3. Which group(s) had benefited?
Students (Selected Groups), Students (Entire Cohort), Students who planned and participated and visitors

4. What was the positive impact?
The synergy amongst the students who were given time off their duty booths to participate in the flash mobs. It was evident how the visitors flocked to watch and took videos and photos and were excitedly talking about it. The guests also shared that they appreciated having a waiting area while waiting for their guided tour to commence. This was an opportunity for students to lead, to adapt on the spot, and to be proud ambassadors of the school as they help to grow Nanyang.

5. What is a future need that this IdEas@work could meet?
We will be more than happy to share with other schools. We can also share this idea of a holding room maybe with a school video for future events where guests have to wait.

Remark: To be subsumed under Open House 2024: Our Nanyang Heartbeat


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