Open House 2024: Our Nanyang Heartbeat

Department/Committee/Team: Relations & Heritage Committee, Student Leadership, and CCA
Leader(s): Deline V. Soh, Phua Gek Hoon, and Ong Shu Wen
Member(s): Olivia Chee, Tay Soo Eng, Saw Pei Lin

Initiated On: 2/6/2024
Completed On: 4/6/2024

1. What was the current need/gap that you were addressing?
(1) There was feedback that our girls are very helpful but they can be more spontaneous. (2) We wanted to ensure we are a first choice school and we would love to have students from SAP primary schools join us too. (3) We wanted to capture the attendance rate even more accurately. (4) We wanted to feature more of our diverse programmes to provide a more holistic overview to our visitors. (5) We wanted to continue to streamline processes to enhance efficiency. (6) Continued to use social media to add vibrancy. (7) Alignment of publicity materials to new Strategic Plan.

2. How had it been experimented and enacted?
(1) The programme was tight and the weather was very humid so we were concerned if the two flash mobs would be able to kick off but we made the changes to the programme and reminded the students to hydrate and we got their buy-in before proceeding. (2) We thought to follow up with invitation letters after Nanyang Experience but we were not sure how effective it would be but we thought we should try. (3) We wanted to use technology to help us with our work. (4) We had to discuss with owners and assign venues and plan the programme accordingly. (5) We wanted to enhance efficiency as the teachers were all very busy then. (6)It took a few rounds of brainstorming before an appropriate design was birthed.

3. Which group(s) had benefited?
Students (Entire Cohort), Prospective Students and Parents

4. What was the positive impact?
(1) In partnership with the Student Leadership Team, Gek Hoon, and CCA side, Shu Wen, we scheduled our programme such that we can have two flash mobs to add vibrancy and indeed it was traffic-stopping as many stood to watch and clap along. Students were excused from their duties to join in and it was a rousing and energetic dance, twice over. (2) We sent invitation letters and posters to SAP Primary Schools and there were indeed more visitors. (3) Student leaders ensured visitors used the QR codes to register their attendance. Additionally, upon completion of the feedback form, visitors young and old, were given candies as a token of appreciation to wish them a sweet afternoon. (4) This year, we initiated three new booths - Fusion, GCP, and Community Education which were well-received. We also introduced a Student Admissions and Talent Developmnet talk. (5) We introduced a combined AV and Infra logistics request form and we also collated and the meal coupons. (6) Student leaders used social media to broadcast a special item ie flash mob and the R&H Team used social media to promote Open House. (7) This year's design used a galaxy metaphor to reflect how we as Nanyang push boundaries and are the beacon of the future. Our school is on Planet Earth as we are grounded in values even as we grow and inspire others.

5. What is a future need that this IdEas@work could meet?
Opportunity for student empowerment as they can plan and lead certain segments of the day's programme. We can continue to promote school outreach through showcasing more of our diverse programme and the impact on the students and on society, where applicable.

Remark: To combine the Student Leadership @ Open House 2024 with this and award Stage 3.


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