Women’s Leadership Conference 2023

Contributed by Phua-Tan Gek Hoon, Gloria Teng, Alex Teo, Irene Lim

What was the current need/gap that you were addressing?
There is currently no Women’s Leadership Conference in Singapore organised by a Secondary School for youth. To address this need for youth to learn about women leadership, we organised The Women’s Leadership Conference. The first and second runs were in 2021 and 2022 and were held online. Due to technical issues, some participants with audio and video problems were not able to participate fully in the programme.

How had it been experimented and enacted?
We started work in March 2023. We had to work on the programme, guest speakers, theme, logo/e-certificates, publicity, manpower, logistics/venues/food, invitations to speakers and participants, case study content, team building games etc over the months. This culminated in the 1 day conference on 14 November. Facilitators helped to conduct the games and discussion sessions.

What was the positive impact?
The staff and organising team students learnt how to organise the conference and grew in our teamwork, communications, organisational and leadership skills. Participants learnt about women leadership from the speakers, bonded over team building games and consolidated their learning in posters and a gallery walk.

What is a future need that this IdEas@work could meet?
This Conference develops our Student Leaders in leadership skills and serving the community. It inspires youth to learn from inspirational women leaders.
