Growth Mindset through the Academic Curriculum

Contributed by Goh Han Pin, Gerlynn Yap, Chris Slatter, Tan Boon Hian, Ngan Han Kiong

What was the current need/gap that you were addressing?
Students could not appreciate how the Growth Mindset is relevant to their academic studies as they struggle with difficult concepts and skills.

How had it been experimented and enacted?
Infuse reflective moments within the regular cohort-wide school science notes where students will apply metacognition to reflect on 1. which areas they are good at 2. which areas they need help 3. which areas they initially struggle but later figured out 4. their advice for peers in similar situations

What was the positive impact?
Students hone their Growth Mindset as they learn this challenging topic on the Ray Model of Light. Feedback from students obtained through cohort-wide survey. This curriculum innovation was presented at the AST High Ability Learners (HAL) Networked Learning Community (NLC) in Jul 2023, with positive comments from Master Teacher HAL, Lead Teacher HAL / Tao Nan School and other members in the fraternity.

What is a future need that this IdEas@work could meet?
To support the school’s strategic objectives of developing a growth mindset among our students so that they are confident and resilient for the new normal, other levels and subjects could consider embedding similar reflective moments in their regular lessons and notes/worksheets too.


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