Restorative Practices in NY - Our journey so far

Contributed by Li Xiaohui, Chua Mei Hong, Henry Low, Karen Kang, Wong Poh Yee, Wong Lee Fui, Pee Kay Yang

What was the current need/gap that you were addressing?

Misbehaviour is primarily an offence against relationships. We believe that to effectively resolve issues related to student discipline and conflicts, we need to provide a safe space for the affected parties to come together to hear from one another. RP is an approach to address harm and restore the relationships.

Which group(s) had benefited?

Students (Selected Groups), Teaching Staff (Selected Groups)

What was the positive impact?

We have used RP circle time to address a number of discipline cases arising from conflicts among students as well as between students and teachers. RP has given affected parties the space to hear from one another, to build greater understanding and empathy. We have observed students coming forth to apologize to one another and expressing commitment to want to re-build the relationships.

What is a future need that this IdEas@work could meet?

Moving forward, we will work towards encouraging greater adoption of RP strategies, not just in handing discipline cases, but also in managing students in class on a day-to-day basis and in CCA, to build better teacher-student relationships. Students can also be equipped with RP skills to improve peer relationships


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