Open House 2023

Contributed by Deline Victoria Soh and Ong Lee Hua, Lingyun, Gek Hoon, Lydia, Gloria, Pei Lin, Karen Kang, and Hu Bei

What was the current need/gap that you were addressing?

In-person Open House was put on hold for a few years because of Covid.

How had it been experimented and enacted?

We wanted to plan a vibrant and inclusive Open House for prospective students and parents, and we also wanted it to be a platform to nurture student leadership in our students and build their confidence, and it is also a platform to engage partners such as PSG and Bukit Timah NPP.

Which group(s) had benefited?

Students (Entire Cohort), All Teaching Staff, Others

What was the positive impact?

1. The Student Leadership Team introduced a QR code system for school tour so that visitors can stop at various stops and still get the complete audio tour and walk at their own pace. Hence we harnessed technology to make the visit more seamless for visitors - they can stop to ask questions at various booths, unlike the past when they must complete the tour. They scripted, trained, and then recorded the script so that the visitors can have a seamless tour. 2. Brand new script for the school tour so student emcees can run quizzes and they are like show hosts as well and it makes it more interactive for the visitors and it stretches our own students. 3. The R& H Committee recommended a theme of 'Anchored in Values, Venturing Forward' to ensure better alignment across all the curriculum and CCA showcases as well as talks. The focus will be much clear with the signposting. 4. Streamlined the issuing of meal coupons so the CCA teachers will not have the additional duty of collecting and distributing coupons. 5. We also collated requests for infrastructure so as to ensure that ICT only needs to gather the requests from one point to ensure more efficiency. 6. ECG booth was set up for the first time and this is important to communicate the importance of various career pathways. 7. We also invited the Police to join us for active citizenry.


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