Bilingual Literature Camp

Contributed by Xue Lanfang & Foo Soo Ling, Henry Low, Wong Ying Tyng, Calvin Lee, Ong Shu Wen

What was the current need/gap that you were addressing?

There could be more interaction and collaboration between students studying Chinese and English Literature. With the common passion for literature, students can come together to learn from one another and in the process enhance their bilingual competencies. In addition, the number of students taking Literature at Upper Sec could be increased, hence this is a platform to enable Lower Sec students to appreciate literature and pique their interest in Literature.

How had it been experimented and enacted?

The Bilingual Literature Camp was themed "Beyond Languages?" The camp focused on translation and transcreation of literary works, as well as enhancing creative writing skills through drama. It was held on 24 - 25 Oct. The camp was held over 2 afternoons, from 1.30pm -5.00pm. 1) Participants The participants included 1) Lower Sec DSA Bilingualism, Literature Mentorship, SBGE students and other literature lovers, as part of their enrichment and exposure to literature; 2) Sec 3 EL and CL literature students to deepen their understanding and widen exposure to different genres of literary works. Total number of participants for the event was about 120. 2) Programme The programme consists the following: 1. Mass talk by local writer, Dr Yeo Wei Wei on her works, “Diasporic” and “Clan”. She shared on her own experience in Translation and Transcreation of literary works. 2. Translation & Transcreation workshop by Dr Yeo Wei Wei, for students to have a hands-on experience. 3. Escape Room Activity, revolving around the theme of “Beyond Languages?”, for students to appreciate literature through interactive and engaging puzzles and games. 4. Experiential creative writing workshops by local EL & CL author. The CL workshop was conducted in Botanic Gardens, where students had a taste of “Nature writing” through the engagement of their senses and emotions. The EL workshop allowed students to learn creative writing skills through drama and body movements.

Which group(s) had benefited?

Students (Selected Groups)

What was the positive impact?

Positive feedback from students for the different activities. Students' personal reflections also shown that they had learnt much from the camp. "This Bilingual Literature Camp was a really eye-opening experience since it gave me the opportunity to broaden my views on literature and how it can be so significant in translated works. The exposure to the translated and transcreated works has allowed me to pick up new knowledge on the difference between the two that was not as prominent to me before. On a whole, I really enjoyed the talk by Dr Yeo Wei Wei and it has really enlightened me on the importance of accurate translation and how transcreation (which is a very new idea to me) can be so interesting and engaging. " ~ Tan Rui Xuan (307) "这次的双语文学营让我领会了许多关于翻译和创作的知识。听了杨薇薇老师的分享后,我发现翻译其实某种意义上也是创新。在翻译的过程中,翻译者或多或少会留下他们的印记,在文中融入他们的思想和情感。虽然是同一篇文章,但人们翻译时会有不同的解读、甚至是对原文进行创新。我认为这就是文字的魅力所在。我也通过双语文学营学到了关于创作的技巧。我们去到了植物园,和梁海彬老师学习如何从身边的事物获得灵感,进行创作。我发现我们的生活中处处都有值得我们去感受、去发掘的东西。将这些小故事记录下来,不仅可以放松身心,也可以让我们的生活充满色彩。总的来说,这次的双语文学营让我学到了不少宝贵的知识,在之后的文学创作中,我也一定会善用。"~刘嘉悦(309)

What is a future need that this IdEas@work could meet?

The Bilingual Literature Camp could continue to be a platform that enables interdisciplinary collaboration between CL and EL Departments. The students taking CL and EL Literature could also explore different ways to develop their bilingual creative writing skills together. It will also be a key programme for the Lower Sec students to grow their passion for literature and hopefully this will in turn lead to a higher intake of students for Upper Sec literature. The camp might also be opened to other schools in the Cluster, to impact on more students through the various engaging activities we plan, hence fulfilling our role as a leading SAP school.
