Online referral for student support

Contributed by Lim Mei Hong, school counsellors and year heads

1. What was the current need/gap that you were addressing?
Referrals were made in hard copies so data entry was required. Data could be wrongly transferred and the hard copies needed to be filed. As different counsellors took different clients, there was no consolidated list of clients. Sometimes students did not need immediate intervention but this allows a referral to be lodged and different parties to monitor. So a referral could be attended to by a Year Head or the FT.

2. How had it been experimented and enacted?
The form was rolled out and the system rolled out provided good support to counsellors and Year Heads monitoring the well-being of the student.

3. Which group(s) had benefited?
Students (Entire Cohort), All Teaching Staff, Non-Teaching Staff (Selected Groups)

4. What was the positive impact?
The data could be sorted and trends could be reported. There were no longer errors due to mistakes in data entry.

5. What is a future need that this IdEas@work could meet?
Longitudinal analysis of trends in student support required.

The Student Support Referal Form is available at Student Development Microsite -> Student Support Form


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