Booking of Special Rooms booked for events and exams

Contributed LIM GUAT HA

Current Situation:

ICs send out emails to all staff to inform them of rooms that are out of bounds because of exams (or other events). However, on the booking system for the dates that the rooms are out of bounds, the rooms are not booked / blocked off from the system.


Ensure that rooms that are booked for events/exams are actually booked in the booking system so that even when teachers forget about the email notification (OR forget the dates), they cannot book the rooms. It's happened that we sometimes forget and book the room in the morning, and then arrive at the room before lesson to realise it is out of bounds and cannot be used. Certainly tangible benefits to having such a systematic process in place. We used to do this in the past - booking administrator would send an email to alert all of over-riding their earlier booking - but this is no longer practised.


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