Sec 1 PE Orienteering


Current Situation:

Orienteering is taught in the Sec 2 Outdoor Education (OE) Curriculum where students are taught how to read a map and use the compass using a map of Pulau Ubin. Orienteering teaches students to assess, understand and “read” the map and develops their mental alertness and decision-making (route choice). Map Scale is one of the topics taught in the Sec 1 Mathematics syllabus. It involves teaching students how to use the map scale to find the actual distance when given the distance on the map and vice versa. Students are also required to find the actual area when given the area on the map and vice versa.


To introduce orienteering to Sec 1s by incorporating a “Nanyang Map Challenge” in the Sec 1 PE syllabus where students learn and practise basic map reading skills using the Nanyang school map. This can help students to become confident in their ability to use maps to find places by practising in and around a familiar environment (school grounds). Nanyang Map Challenge is a simple course consisting of 10 checkpoints around the school compound. It allows students to practice how to read a map, decide on the direction to go and travel around a set course shown on the map. Students need to find the answer to a question at each checkpoint and input the answer in a Google form before they get the clue to the next checkpoint. These questions help students have a better understanding of some of the places around the school as well. For example, one checkpoint was outside the library where students were asked about the bust of Mdm Kwa Geok Choo. There was also a bonus question where students had to apply what they learnt in Maths to find the area of the basketball court using the physical Nanyang map. Moving forward, we can look into designing more learning experiences for students to apply what they have learnt in Maths (speed, map scales, etc) to solve problems and tasks.


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