Reducing Wastage - Nescafe Machine

Contributed by Yao Ling Yun

Current Situation:

The Nescafe machine needs to be topped up with Milo/coffee/tea/creamer daily. Depending on which beverage is popular that day, the machine may run out of certain powders leading to beverages that cannot be consumed. The dispensed drink then has to be discarded, leading to waste. e.g. Creamer + water without coffee.


To put a suction hook and a laminated tags that says "Temporarily out of milo" / coffee / creamer at the machine. When a colleague dispenses a drink that is missing an ingredient, he/she can hang up the tag to prevent further wastage until the machine is filled up again. A suction hook will also not cause any long term damage to the machine as it is rented from Nescafe. Each beverage is $0.30 (estimated)


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