Consolidate a list of Award Nomination

Contributed by CHEW MUI FONG

Current Situation:

From end term 3 to term 4, there have been calls for teachers to nominate students for certain awards, eg. CCA Awards, Eagles Awards, ECHA, Student Development Award, NYGH Pinnacle Award. Some of the nominees are the same, so the teachers have to keep submitting the same names and write-up to different program owners. Sometimes, we may miss out the deadlines as there may be confusion over different awards, thinking we have already submitted.


Consolidate a list of awards to allow single (or minimum) nomination of students for suitable awards, esp for Sec 4. There could be an option of "Potential nomination" in case we are not sure if the students can meet the criteria (eg Pinnacle award that is dependable on results). And if possible, try to time the nomination within similar time frame, so that the teachers do not have to deal with different nomination deadlines.


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