Implementing exams safely, smoothly and fairly

 IdEa@work Form

Department:  Not applicable

Name of Team

Assessment & Examinations Committee

Title of Project

Implementing exams safely, smoothly and fairly


Miss Seet

Team Leader

Christina Lye




Sam Ho, Linda Chang, Ong Lay Hong, Hoe Wei Qi, Ong Wei Jian, Ang Wee Ling, Ma Yanping, Nicole Ning

Chen Hsuan Chieh, Yeo Pei Li, Ken Yow, Lim Pui Yee

Initiated on (date)

10 May 2021

Completion date

13 Oct 2021


  • Ensuring examinations are implemented safely – SMMs in place, one-day turnaround time to activate additional plans for enhanced SMMs

  • Ensuring examinations are implemented smoothly – clear regulations for teachers and students

  • Ensuring examinations are implemented fairly – equitable invigilation load for teachers, clear processes for managing irregularities

Implementation Process


  • Plan seating arrangements for all examination venues

  • Plan break times and dismissal times to reduce intermingling and congestion

  • Instruct invigilators on SMMs to follow, i.e. follow seating arrangement, specific holding and dismissal time, wipe-down routines, temperature taking checks

  • Plan invigilation schedules with minimized intermingling of teacher invigilators

Smooth operations:

  • Integrate key exam regulations into the regular Weighted Assessment implementation – provide practice of the regulations for both teachers and students throughout the year before EOY Exams

  • Provide briefing to students and teachers about exam regulations

  • Set up contingency plans for isolation rooms – identified venues for back-up, more standby invigilators

Fair and equitable:

  • Brief Academic Heads and YHs about handling examinations irregularity

  • Set up tag teams to ensure quick response to new student cases and also work with YHs to ensure students were not distressed during the interview sessions

  • Track irregularity cases to enable immediate review for tighter checking by invigilators the next day.

  • Track invigilation hours deployed and reallocate invigilation hours to colleagues to balance off activated hours 

Extent of Improvement/

Targets met

  • No serious irregularity cases

  • Completed evaluation of irregularity cases within 48 hours

  • Able to execute contingency plans for isolating groups of students within one-day turnaround


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