Reorganizing Mindsports Leadership 2020

Contributed by TEO HUI LIN LENA, LIM AI WAH.

Present Situation:

The current leadership structure for Mindsport does not credit the office bearers based on the amount of work or contribution to the CCA. This has been a problem for many years. Currently, all the section Captains take charge of the CCA sessions and sets up the playlist, deploy the players and coordinate with the teachers and coaches. The Captains perform the bulk of the leadership duties within the CCA. The President, V President and Treasurer seemed to be taking a back seat role and given the Covid-19 situation, do not have opportunities for whole CCA events.


From 2022, the proposal is for the Captains of each section in Mindsports to have both a primary and a secondary role. The primary role refers to their role as Captain of each section of the CCA. Their secondary role will be to represent the CCA as either President, V President, Secretary or Treasurer. This will ensure that the President, V President, Secretary, and Treasurer positions of the CCA play active roles in managing the various sections in the CCA. To assist the Captains, an Upper/Lower Sec V Captain can be elected. These V Captains should also be trained to lead as well as mentor and coach the juniors in each section.


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