Reduce duplicate reminders


Current Situation:

Respective departments (eg: ICT/Library/GO) will email FTs to send reminders to students (and students to remind their parents) with regards to matters like completing a survey, outstanding library fines, or any admin matters. In the recent Student Particulars Verification exercise, the ICT dept emailed the list of students who have yet to complete the exercise to the FTs and requested for us to remind the students. FTs will then proceed to remind students(to remind their parents) via Whatsapp/email/verbally. As an FT, I sent a reminder to affected students via email. In the same week, a reminder was sent to parents via Parents Gateway by the ICT dept. In addition, there was another email sent over the weekend for FTs to remind the students and parents to complete the verification exercise before the extended deadline. I feel that there are too many duplicate reminders to the parents especially when the deadline is not over.


I would like to make 2 suggestions: 1. Respective departments to send a reminder via Parents Gateway/NYGH portal/email and inform FTs. Hence FTs will not send a duplicate reminder to students/parents. OR Respective department to inform FTs to send the reminder to students/parents as they will not be sending a reminder via Parents Gateway/NYGH portal/email. 2. A) To send one reminder before deadline. B) To send one more reminder after the deadline and at the same time inform parents about extension of the deadline if there is any. In this way, we will reduce the number of reminders sent out to parents especially when the deadline is not over.


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