Infusion of Personal Learning Session into PD Plan


Present Situation:

In 2019, noting the need for teachers to have personal PD space, we have given all teachers 10 hours of reading time that are counted in their PD hours. Noting that teachers might also need the time to pursue other activities besides reading, we found there is a need to give teachers some Personal Learning Session in the PD plan, so that they could use it for reading, having conversation with colleagues, or learning staff of their interest.


In March 2020, we tried out 1 personal learning session on Friday morning to be given to the staff. We noted there were quite a wide range of activities. Some teachers used it to catch up on their readings, the LT (Sharon) used this chance to offer a small group conversation on Differentiated Instruction, so that teachers who have not attended such sessions or need refresher had a meaningful learning time. Another group of staff also attended a sharing by our Community Partner, on engaging conversation between parents and children using an app called Bramble and teachers who had particular interest in this issue attended. The Chinese Dept also took initiatives to learn how to explore SLS lessons during this session. We are encouraged by the range of dynamic and vibrant activities that took place. In the 2nd half of the year, we did not do it in that manner as such dynamic activity induced intermingling, hence we only set aside time for personal reading in one of the session. However in future, we can put in place the sessions as originally intended.


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