Student-Led Centering Exercise every Wed morning


Present situation:

In Semester 1, the school has embarked on school-wide centering exercise every Friday morning. The intent was to give students the experience to take a break and ground themselves for a few minutes and get them to get ready for the day. In the long run, it is hoped that this habit will be cultivated in all school members (students and staff) and equip them with ways to re-energise ourselves. For the whole of Semester 1, the regular programme was led by teachers in the Disciplined Community. While we were encouraged by this good start, the team felt that the next step is to involve students who have been practising the exercise to lead the school in the session. That would give the whole community of the sense of pervasiveness and relevance by having students themselves to lead the rest.


Acting on to the above suggestion, Luis approached some students from his classes as they have been practising centering exercise regularly and some of them showed keen interest to continue practising and help their friends to build the habits. Starting from a small group of students, they managed to take turn leading the morning centering exercise and it has become regular for now. They also started asking their friends to tag along, so that they could also lead in the future centering exercise which helps to expand the team of student facilitators. Over time, we expect this grooming will continue.
