
Showing posts from August, 2020

Restructuring Recess and Lunch Breaks

Contributed by LIM LAM ENG Present Situation: The timetable in Sem 1 of 2020 had recess and lunch breaks at different times for different classes on each day of the week. When the COVID-19 Safe Management Measures require the school to allocate fixed seating in the canteen for classes, it was very difficult to arrange, as within a day different classes were having recess and lunch at the same time; which means 20 seating permutations in a 2-week timetable. The interim solution was to allow half the class to eat in the classrooms, which is not ideal, as there are concerns of hygiene and safe-distancing when the girls are by themselves. Improvement: With the timetable revision for Sem 2, it was proposed that recess and lunch timings be structured so that the same classes are having recess/lunch at the same time every day. Besides making for easier seat allocation, the arrangement is also good for the well-being of the girls as they have fixed timings for their meals everyday and also...

Virtual Closure of Term 2

Contributed by LIM LAM ENG, SABRINA BTE EMIL, WONG WAN LING Present Situation: All students had been on HBL since 8 April and there had been no common platform for the whole school to come together. In the 4 weeks, the girls only had virtual class or subject meetings with their teachers and many felt isolated from the rest of the school. Improvement: A virtual whole-school closure to end the term and HBL on a good note. It would also hopefully keep their spirits high through the 4-week break, where unlike past holidays, they need to stay home. The concept - a video which consists of - pledge recitation led by council president - well-wishes from School Leaders, Form Teachers, CCA Teachers and Support Staff reps - School song - East-West rendition by Sec 3 HMP students The photos and video clips were collected off-line and put together in a 10.5-min video and shown by Form Teachers during morning check-in on 4 May, the last day of Term 2. The video was also uploaded on You-tube and ...

Engaging Parents and Community Partners for Post-HBL Conversation during Mid-Year Staff Meeting

Contributed by LUIS TIRTASANJAYA LIOE, NG CHUEN-YIN, LIU SHIUEH LING Present Situation: During Circuit Breaker, the whole nation was conditioned to embrace a new way of living. For staff and teachers, we also needed to learn working from home, where personal, social and professional lines were intertwined and we learned how to manage our different roles as parents, teachers, family members differently in a more confined space. In terms of professional line, we also had to embrace new ways to performing our role, both in teaching and administrative. We recognised that it was important to learn from one another and also learned from the perspectives of people in other profession, including those in business and community and with parents, so that we can use those lenses and perspectives to understand education better. Improvement: The organising team for the Staff Meeting (Mdm Ng, Dr Liu, and Luis) planned to invite parents and community partners and engaged staff in groups to have c...

Gratitude Video for Healthcare and Frontline Workers

Contributed by LUIS TIRTASANJAYA LIOE, WONG WAN LING, SABRINA BTE EMIL Present Situation: When Covid-19 situation started in January, the mood and emotions of the school was affected. There was sense of fear and anxiety especially among students. In the first few weeks, the teachers had engaged students in various conversation including using MOE lesson package, updates of current knowledge, and give them personal space to express their worry and fear. As much as we understood that it would take some time for people to embrace and overcome the situation, we felt that initiatives from students to bring positivity to the school will be more impactful. And it is also an opportunity to teach students the right values of humanity, love and care and exercise them through their actions as agents of change. Improvement: The idea came from my discussion with my form class 413 after I shared with them the notes written by Maha Bodhi students to frontline staff that was posted online on 1 Feb...

HRIS_Duplicate of Claim Forms

 Contributed by WONG BOON CHENG JUNITA Present Situation: When there is an error in the information submitted for a claim in HRIS, it will be rejected/cancelled. Staff have to re-enter all the information to re-submit the claim. Improvement: A duplicate button for rejected/cancelled claims; if the claim is rejected/cancelled, staff need not enter all the information again. Staff will just click on the duplicate button and the information will be duplicated on the new claim form. Staff just need to amend the wrong information and re-attach the supporting documents and click submit.

Online Childcare and Eldercare Leave

Contributed by WONG BOON CHENG JUNITA Present Situation: Application of Childcare and Eldercare Leave are hardcopy submissions. Improvement: Application of Childcare and Eldercare Leaves via online submissions.

Secondary 4 PE HBL Challenge

Contributed by SABRINA BTE EMIL, TEO CHIN IT, SEAN YEOH CHAI KEONG Present Situation: The proposal for HBL was to conduct asynchronous or synchronous lessons during the month of Phase 1. Improvement: As part of the HBL PE programme, the Secondary 4 team proposed and implemented a series of challenges that were aimed at encouraging exercise and solidarity amongst the students and their classes, instead of the usual lesson format. These challenges included skills such as hand-eye coordination and stability amongst others. These challenges also encouraged students to exercise with their family members. 21 challenges were rolled out in total (7 challenges each week) and points accumulated at an individual level would in turn be contributed to the class' total points. In the end, we awarded 4 classes with the top prizes and 21 individuals for best achievement in a challenge.

Online CBCI course using Google Classroom for EOs

Contributed to TEO HUI LIN LENA, SLATTER CHRISTOPHER JOHN Present Situation: Due to Covid-19 circuit breaker and new regulations about social distancing, it not possible to conduct Professional Development face-to-face with teachers. Furthermore, there is no time given that we were on HBL and circuit breker for two months. Improvement: Online learning with relevant materials and at our time our target. Since most of the colleagues have already attended at least one workshop. This online course serves as a refesher and it also allows teachers to read more into CBCI.

Sec 3 PE Advanced Elective Module

Contributed by TEO ZHIYE, TOH LIN SIN, ONG BENG KOOI JAMES Present Situation: PE students have been learning a wide array of sports modules from sec1-sec4. However these sports modules just come and go term by term, having width but lacking in depth of learning. Also the sports modules are determined by the school. Improvement: 1) As such, we have introduced the Advanced Modules to revisit Badminton, Basketball and Outdoor Education more in-depth i.e. from learning the basic techniques and game rules to team strategies and higher level of play techniques, and further applications of the Basic Outdoor Skills acquired previously. 2) Elective Modules where students get to indicate and allocated 2 out of 3 elective modules preferences.

Sec 1 'Live' PE Lesson

Contributed by YEO PEI LI, YEE JIN KETT, NEO SHU MEI Present Situation: We have always been holding asynchronous lessons in PE. However it does not allow us to touch base or 'see' our students online. Improvement: Held 2 synchronous 'live' lesson to engage students 'physically' using virtual platform, Google Meet. In this lesson, teacher is able to 'check-in' on students and the whole class can also 'exercise' together even when at home.


Contributed by YEO PEI LI, LIM TING FANG, TEO ZHIYE, SABRINA BTE EMIL Present Situation: Sec 1 attempt BINGO challenge as individuals. PE survey indicated that some hope for 'Live' online session to motivate themselves to exercise. Improvement: A collaboration with Pos Ed team saw an hour-long session of 'Live' online lesson in May holidays on 15 Jun. 6 Sec 1 PE reps were roped in to helm 4 segments of 10 mins each. Although especially organised for the Sec 1s to help them work on the BINGO challenge, we also have participants from other levels.

Annual Prize Giving invitation letters

Contributed by TAN KAH KEOW, LIU SHIUEH LING Present Situation: In the past, APG letters to parents were disseminated in hardcopy through their child (who is an APG award winner). Improvement: 2020 APG notification letters were emailed directly to parents. It cuts down on paper usage.

Digitalisation efforts

 Contributed by TAN KAH KEOW, TAN YIN PHENG CHERYL, TANG WEE HOON Present Situation: Sick bay records and withdrawal of markers and refill were done in hardcopy book. Improvement: Sick bay records and markers/refill withdrawal form are digitalised in end June. This cut down on paper usage and efficient way of recording and tracking. IT Specialist Mr Steve Teo also conducted OTJ training on google-form creation for admin staff.