
Showing posts from June, 2020

Additional chairs needed for classroom observations

Contributed by ANG JOO LIAK Current Situation:  When other teachers or mentors want to visit a class for lesson observation, they may not be able to get a proper seat at the back of the classroom (from the teacher's desk, or from absent students). Improvement: Since open classroom is promoted, besides observations by mentors or ROs, additional chairs need to be made easily available to the visiting teachers or external visitors. This could be in the form of: 1. additional 2-3 chairs placed as a stack at back of every class; 2. additional chairs available at the end of each level of the classrooms for easy access by students from each class when visitors visit.

Operating guide for room AV system

Contributed by TAN CHOON HUI Current Situation: Users doesn't know how to turn on the system, have to trouble BS office staff. Improvement: User can manage the av system without support from BS office staff.


Contributed by TEO XIONG KAI Current Situation: Relief staff (dunno who are them) are taking their attendance with PEN which at outside acct dept. Improvement: Issue staff pass to them to TAP only at acct dept. HR need not to generate new staff in HRIS. ICT will create new acct in staff attendance portal. We can reuse the staff pass for other relief staff . So Acct dept colleagues can export their daily/monthly attendance through portal.

Subject Teachers to provide Timely Feedback to FTs for PCTD

Contributed by ANNIE KOH-TAN PEI XUAN Current Situation: During PCTD in May, FTs may not have sufficient information of students to flag out to the parents on academic support especially those who may have the risk of not meeting the promotion criteria at the end of the year. Improvement: Before PCTD, subject teachers to fill in a form/google sheet to inform respective FTs of students who are not doing well in their subjects and work she can work on moving forward. This will help the FTs to flag out at risk students promptly during the mid year PCTD with the parents. This will also help to avoid giving surprises to the parents when their child didn't meet the promotion criteria End of the Year.

Telephone Etiquette

Contributed by KHOO LIAN NEO RACHEL Current Situation: Students call the teachers using the telephone outside the staffroom and they sometimes do so without introducing themselves, before stating their request, or even greeting the teachers. Improvement: A laminated sign was put up outside the Humanities department in front of the telephone to teach the girls basic telephone etiquette. 1. Greet the teacher 2. Introduce yourself (Name & Class) 3. State your request politely 4. Thank the teacher.