Dragon Chinese( Longwenhuayu) 龙文华语

Name of Team
Title of Project
Dragon Chinese( Longwenhuayu) 龙文华语
Zhu Haibin
Team Leader
Zhu Haibin
Zhu Haibin

Zhu Haibin
Zhou Liang
Wu Guangzhi
Initiated on (date)
1 January
Completion date
To raise students' interest in and awareness of the Chinese Language learning.  
To provide a platform to help students learn Chinese by themselves .

Implementation Process

1 Set up a public account at Wechat and open for students to subscribe.
2 We post a well selected Chinese article every day and push to the subscribe students. Until now, we had posted more than 200 Chinese articles. It includes Chinese essays, poems, news, and subject related materials. Subscribed students read and post their comment on the Wechat public account.
4 We also make good use of the auto reply function provided by Wechat. We built up a database which cover students frequent HCL subject related Q&A. The students can get immediately answer from ‘longwenhuayu’.  
5 We assigned 3 teachers as the administer of wechat account.  They can log in wechat public account with their private account to maintain the daily update on the account and even answer the students’ question.
6 Now we have about 600 subscribers who using “longwenhuayu” to help them learning Chinese daily.
7 Teachers also can use our subscribers as their Chinese teaching research sample and data base.

Extent of Improvement/
Targets met

CL teachers help to recommend our Wechat account to students and introduce some articles we post as extend reading material.

1 借助微信平台的即功能,以及公众号平台上丰富的华语资讯,我 了面向学生群体的微信公众号龙文华语
2 龙文华语平台以学生的阅读兴趣出发,每学生布一篇华语阅读篇章,通 过微信公众平台直接推送到关注该平台的学生的手机或者 ipad 上,借此提升学 生的华语阅读量,一方面词汇量,另一方面也开拓学生的知面。
3 龙文华语发布的内容包括:学生习作、听说读写技能指导、华族文化常识、时 事新等。
4 龙文华语平台也能善用公众号的自动回复功能,为学生创建了后台自动答疑功 能,目前和新加坡华语教学相关的一些知点都能在后台得自回复。比如 修辞手法描写好作文等不同的关键词就能得及答复,无需老 师在线答疑。
5 龙文华语的公众号手机管理端定在老的微信号上,如果学生所问题 有射中关键词,无法得自答复,管理端的老一上线,就能有针对性答复, 帮助学生答疑解惑。
6 的愿景是更多的学生关注华语,一方面学生提供华语的平 台,也能提供一个研究的平台。我希望能收到更多老的原稿件,同 时,平台上的学生人数若达到一定的数量,就可以为老师们进行教学研究和问卷 提供一个很好的数据和研究象。
7 以下是华语的二维码,您可以通微信加入,浏览 史:

8 龙文华语的用户端截图:


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