Learning Festival


Current Situation:
As part of staff learning and development, it is important to have a platform where the teachers can learn from one another. In particular, we need a platform where teachers can share the good practices that they have been doing and made it accessible to staff who are interested to know and learn more about it. This exchange will promote collaborative learning among staff. Presently, we have HCI-NYGH IP Conference where teachers, individual or group, share their best practices and/or research that they did in school. However, as the main intent of the conference is to enable learning among two institutions (HCI and NYGH), usually the time spent on attending and learning from our partner's presentation rather than from our own staff. We need an internal platform where learning can be celebrated in less formal way, yet promote effective sharing and interaction among the staff.

The Principal and PD team (Mdm Ng, Mrs Whang, Ai Wah and Luis - not all names can be inserted due to limited number of member in the form) proposed to have a Learning Festival during the period of year-end meetings. The date has been put as 5 Nov 2018. Referring to the intent to provide staff sharing and learning in interactive and less formal way, we conceptualise the learning festival as a celebration of Nanyang teachers' narratives (stories). The narratives refer to the staff's journey in learning throughout the year, and we have the following narratives: 1) Team narratives During the staff meeting that took place on the Home Learning Day (24-25 Sep), every staff has gone through gallery walk to view the poster presentation put up by every Department and learn about what each Dept has been doing this year. With post-it notes, many staff have also put their requests (such as which Dept programme that they would like to find out more) and offer (such as possibility to collaborate) and these data show the staff's genuine interest to learn more about certain aspect of the programme. In this team narratives, we would invite each Department to follow up on the requests and tell stories about that particular aspect. 2) Social narratives Besides teaching and learning, staff also engage with one another as a social being. Learning and collaboration also take place in this social space. In 2015, we had conducted from staff to staff sharing during June meetings, where the staff conducted workshop on specific skill (such as coffee making, baking, musical instruments etc). We would like to provide platforms for this social narrative in this Learning Festival as well. With this platform, it is hoped that staff engagement can be promoted as engagement is the necessary condition for effective learning. This will help the staff to know each other, both in the curriculum programme and in other skills, and in the longer run it helps to build the trust and promote collaboration (for which reducing overcrowding is part of our strategic direction). From here, we also hope to see if there are certain specialisation emerged from staff so that we can conduct in-house workshop for EOs and EAS in future. This will save some training cost in the longer run too :)


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