Celebration of Mdm Wee's 80th Birthday by the Nanyang Family

Contributed by Mrs Chek Lam Eng

Current situation:
Found out that Mdm Wee, our honorary patron is turning 80 this year on 6 August. Thought the Nanyang Family can come together to organise a meaningful birthday celebration for her to recognise her many years of contribution to Nanyang.


Suggestion is to leverage on our Homecoming Funfair on 4 August, in particular on the Chinese Dance Concert from10.30 to 11.30am to dedicate the concert to her. [She has close and long ties with our Chinese Dance and the Dance Studio is named after her.] Invited guests will include our stakeholders and some of her good friends. Following the concert will be a lunch reception at the Boarding School. Work needed will include coordinating with Chinese Dance CCA, design of e-invitation, having a meaningful birthday gift, catering, etc. This will be a joint project with the Nanyang Family.


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