Recognising Students' Participation/Achievement on TV Screen


Current situation:
Presently, when the students participated in some competition, there will be prize presentation session during morning assembly where they presented the prize to the school and they get acknowledged. While this is a good practice to have the whole school celebrate their achievement, there are two issues that might be important to address. 1) Limited assembly slots - with the limited slots, especially the shortened Friday session, there may be difficulty to get all teams to share the achievements. 2) Presently, most of the sessions were taken to acknowledge teams who win the prize. I feel that it is good to have an avenue for students who just participate (without winning the prize) to also being acknowledged and their sharing of the experience is also worth celebration by the school.

I notice most of teacher i/c have taken picture when the prize is presented during the competition side. It may be good to leverage on this picture to be shared to the whole school on the TV display. With that, their participation/achievement can be recognised timely (without the need to wait for available assembly slot) and it is available throughout the day too, so that all students have chance to view it. Also, we can get students' to share their reflection in a short paragraph and share it together with the picture on TV screen. This will allow the school members to read their reflection/sharing.


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