
Showing posts from August, 2019

Consolidation of digital account passwords

Contributed by  ANG JOO LIAK Present Situation: When a new teacher comes you, he/she is often bewildered by the number of accounts and passwords needed to access important resources online in internal/external portals. Even current teachers sometimes forgot which account has which password to be used. Improvement: ICT could collate a list of accounts and passwords each teacher would have, for what purpose, and who to request for assistance or reset of passwords if necessary. This would save some time and frustration. These accounts may include login to: 1. personal laptop 2. NYGH portal (formerly results portal, with new features) 3. Student Case Management System 4. OPAL 5. IAMS 6. iEXAMS 7. SLS

IT POLICY Document and SOP

Contributed by  TEO XIONG KAI, TEO XIONG HAN, LIU SHIUEH LING Present Situation: Have no clear policy Improvement: New staff can easily takeover and catchup with the job

Road safety when crossing over to new extension

Contributed by  ANGELINE SEET SIEW PENG Present Situation: Students make their way across the driveway and sometimes cars may be driving into the driveway in front of the general office and there is a blind spot if students are not paying attention and walk onto the driveway. Improvement: Put up reminders via visuals or 'stop-look-cross' signs on the pillar as well as remind students to cross the driveway safely.

Minor servicing of wimshurst machine with recycle material

Contributed by  SITI SUYATI BINTE SAMRI, LENA LIM YUXIA                                       Present situation Missing of metallic parts in the Wimshurst machine result in failure to generate sparks Improvement Use of aluminium from a used drink can to substitute the metallic part. Once connected, the machine is able to operate again Minor servicing can save on purchasing of new equipment and using recycled material (used can) is environmentally friendly and cost saving. 

DIY holder set for carbon electrode to do electrolysis of copper sulphate

Contributed by  LENA LIM YUXIA, SITI SUYATI BINTE SAMRI Present Situation: Using crocodile clip to hold the carbon rod in a beaker containing copper sulfate solution. Short circuiting occur if not careful Improvement: Reuse the cover of a B100 container as a holder for the two carbon rods by drilling two holes parallel to the other.  The cover act as a holder and being parallel will prevent short circuiting in the connection. B100 container is not used because it is not stable, being plastic, it may topple and spillage occur A smaller glass beaker is used so less solution is needed and less “accident “will happen Safety and cost is taken into consideration

Staff Attendance

Contributed by  LEONG CHONG GHIT Present Situation: Team member unable to view other attendance . Hence unable take immediate action to help other to open the class room or Lab. Improvement: To enable to view the team member attendance, so can immediate help other to open the room or Lab. Instate of waiting HOD instruction.

Birthday Celebration

Contributed by  WONG BOON CHENG JUNITA Present Situation: EAS staff do not need to attend Friday PD sessions. As such, if birthday celebrations are done during PD sessions, EAS staff will not receive their presents from School Leaders. Improvement: Email invites are send to the EAS staff whose birthdays will be celebrated during PD sessions. They can decide if they want to attend the celebrations.

Highlighting the existence of a water cooler outside the ISH

Contributed by  NG SAN SAN Present Situation: There is a water cooler located right outside the ISH but not many people, including many students and visitors, know about its existence. It is located in a recess and almost completely hidden from view. Improvement: Install signboards to inform thirsty people where they can obtain drinking water from outside the ISH.

Cubicle Tag

Contributed by  SAW PEI LIN Present Situation: There are times when colleagues from one department having difficulty to find another colleague from another department. Especially for new staff who is getting to know everyone and vice versa. This cubicle tag was first created in Nov 2015 for Admin, HR and Chinese department only. There are good feedbacks and I think it is good to extend to all departments. Improvement: A DIY folding cubicle tag will be created for all new staff, while an excel sheet will send out to all staff to sign up if they need a cubicle tag. The cubicle tag will be color coded for different department, Chinese and Eng name, designation, and DID.

Step at walkway near back gate

Contributed by  ANGELINE SEET SIEW PENG Present Situation: Along the walkway near the back gate, just as one enters the building, there is a step but it is dark and by the time the light sensor comes on, one would have tripped on the slight step that's there. There is no reflective strip on that step Improvement: Please place a reflective strip on the edge of the step so that it is visible even in the dim light.

Late-coming record for each class, viewable by students

Contributed by  CHONG HAN GUANG Present situation: The students are do not have any reminder system as to how many times they are late so far and are sometimes taken aback when their parents are called and they are issued with the warning letter when they are late for the third time. Improvements: I shared a Google Sheet with my form class where the students are only given viewing rights and not editing rights. In this Google Sheet, any late-coming is updated on a daily basis and counter-checked with the Year Head's latecoming response sheet for the whole cohort so the students know how many times they have been late for school so that they will not be surprised when the usual protocol of calling the parents and issuing a warning letter at the third instance of late-coming is executed. The students can also check for any discrepancy on a timely basis as only the non-excused late-coming instances are recorded. The students found this record to be very useful.